International Shipping
Fees and Timing
Standard Shipping |
(5-10 business days) $30 USD |
Your order will be processed and shipped as quickly as possible. We'll email you tracking information when the order ships. Please note that standard international shipping fees don’t include taxes or duties, and they may differ depending on your region.
Duty and Tax
We're unable to estimate duties and taxes as this information will vary by country. If you place an order online, you’ll be responsible for all duties, taxes, and customs charges. If your order is then refused, you’ll still be responsible for charges incurred in shipping the package.
International P.O Box
We can’t ship to P.O boxes outside of Canada and the US.
Order Value
We’re required by law to disclose the full value of the package content and are unable to adjust the total.
Restricted Items
We currently can’t ship footwear to guests living outside of Canada and the US.