
CA - Do Not Sell My Personal Information

Please see the “YOUR PRIVACY RIGHTS AND CHOICES” section on the Privacy Policy page for more information about your privacy rights and how to exercise them.

California law requires that we provide transparency about personal information we “sell,” which means scenarios where we disclose personal information to third parties in exchange for valuable consideration. While we do not provide personal information about you to other companies for money, we do allow certain advertising and analytics partners to collect identifiers, commercial information and Internet or other electronic network information via our Services to show you ads that are targeted to your interests, and these disclosures may be considered “sales” as defined by California law. We do not sell personal data of individuals we know to be under 16 years of age.

You may designate an authorized agent to exercise privacy rights on your behalf by providing the authorized agent signed permission to submit the request on your behalf. If an authorized agent submits a request on your behalf, we may need to contact you to verify your identity and protect the security of your personal data. If you are an authorized agent seeking to make a rights request, please contact us at PRIVACYOFFICER@LULULEMON.COM.

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